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One way to preserve the culture identity in our country is by the literature. This extensive legacy has varied topics that talk about our different cultural expressions. The myth, legend, chronicle, theatre, poetry, novel, article, essay and stories are the genres our literature is expressed in the country and the way it shows to the rest of the world.


“Cien años de Soledad”, “María”, “La Vorágine”, and “El Amor en los Tiempos de Cólera” are some of the best-known novels that reflect in a wide way the Colombian culture and the main export cultural material in terms of literature. They attracted foreigners to look up our culture and they remind us the importance of looking up and care our culture.


But, these novels are not the only ones that show in a wide way our culture. The myths and legends show the supernatural beliefs the country has, the stories show briefly how we see the world, the poems show the way we feel and see natural, daily or historical events, and chronicles show the chronological order of important events our country had in certain time-lapse.   


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