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One of  Colombia´s most sustantial cultural reknown aspect is its the gastronomy, made by all the typical dishes from every region.  It is one of the most successful ways to show that Colombia is a country with all kind of traditions, cultures, and people. Sadly, the fast foods restaurants are getting very famous and people prefer international food restaurants instead of our delicious food.


One of the reasons why our gastronomy is so extravagant is because in most of the country the ingredients composing our traditional dishes are not consumed at all, so our food is not something that you would find everywhere (such as interntational food) and will give you a whole new flavour experience. In the other hand, the cultures that started with our gastronomy comes from here, Spain and Africa; this means that our gastronomy recollects three different cultures around the world and put them all together in one section of our culture.


Colombians should be proud of the country’s gastronomy; we have unique dishes that cannot be found in any other countries. Our culture has taught us is that one of the most important thigs that the country can offer is all the different food fishes that we have and how important is to know how to make them in order to conserve tradition. But now that all the internationals restaurants or international gastronomy have reached us, our traditional plates are being left aside and in the future, the will get lost because the next generations will not have any interest in consuming this kind of food. 


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